
Returns specified information about the patron, based on options in the request. This function can optionally return patron's contact information, fine information, hold request information, loan information, and messages.


patron_id (Required)
the unique patron identifier in the ILS; the same identifier returned by LookupPatron or AuthenticatePatron
show_contact (Optional, default 1)
whether or not to return patron's contact information in the response
show_fines (Optional, default 0)
whether or not to return fine information in the response
show_holds (Optional, default 0)
whether or not to return hold request information in the response
show_loans (Optional, default 0)
whether or not to return loan information in the response
show_attributes (Optional, default 0)
whether or not to return extended patron attributes information in the response

Example call

Example response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <description>Adulte extérieur</description>
  <branchname>Bibliothèque Jean Prunier</branchname>
      <title>L'Île au trésor</title>
      <author>Robert Louis Stevenson</author>
      <timestamp>2009-04-03 14:46:10</timestamp>
      <publishercode>Librairie générale française</publishercode>
      <itemcallnumber>RO STE</itemcallnumber>
      <location>Salle de lecture</location>
      <title>La guitare en 10 leçons</title>
      <author>Jon Buck</author>
      <timestamp>2009-03-17 16:48:14</timestamp>
      <notes>La couv. porte en plus : "un guide simple et facile pour apprendre la guitare" | Glossaire. Index</notes>
      <itemcallnumber>787.87 BUC</itemcallnumber>
      <location>Salle de lecture</location>
      <volume>une méthode simple et facile pour apprendre la guitare</volume>

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