Version 1 - OpenAPI 2.0


## Background The API supports two sets of endpoints, one targetted at library staff and the other at at library users. Those endpoints under the `/public` path are aimed at delivering functionality tailored to library users and offer a more restricted set of functions, overrides and data in thier responses for data privacy and library policy reasons. Many of these endpoints do not require authentication for fetching public data, though an authenticated session will expose additional options and allow users to see more data where it is part of their own record. All other endpoints are targetted at the staff interface level and allow for additional functionality and a more unrestricted view of data. These endpoints, however, have a level of redaction built in for resources that the api consumer should not have access to. For example, user data for users who do not belong to the same library or library group of your api user will be reduced to just minimum neccesary for a valid response. Object keys will be consistent for all responses, but their values may be removed depending on access. ## Authentication The API supports the following authentication mechanisms * HTTP Basic authentication * OAuth2 (client credentials grant) * Cookie-based Both _Basic authentication_ and the _OAuth2_ flow, need to be enabled by system preferences. ## Authorization The API uses existing user profiles to restrict access to resources based on user permissions and the library the API user is assigned to. This may result, at times, in resources being returned in a redacted form with all keys present but sensative values nulled. We do not yet support OAuth Scopes or the Authorization Code grant flow. ## Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format: ``` { "error": "Current settings prevent the passed due date to be applied", "error_code": "invalid_due_date" } ``` Note: Some routes might offer additional attributes in their error responses but that"s subject to change and thus not documented. ## Filtering responses The API allows for some advanced response filtering using a JSON based query syntax. The query can be added to the requests: * as a query parameter `q=` * in the request body For simple field equality matches we can use `{ "fieldname": "value" }` where the fieldname matches one of the fields as described in the particular endpoints response object. We can refine that with more complex matching clauses by nesting a the clause into the object; `{ "fieldname": { "clause": "value" } }`. Available matching clauses include `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `-like`, and `-not_like`. We can filter on multiple fields by adding them to the JSON respresentation. Adding at `HASH` level will result in an "AND" query, whilst combinding them in an `ARRAY` will result in an "OR" query: `{ "field1": "value2", "field2": "value2" }` will filter the response to only those results with both field1 containing value2 AND field2 containing value2 for example. Additionally, if you are requesting related data be embedded into the response one can query on the related data using dot notation in the field names. ### Examples The following request would return any patron with firstname "Henry" and lastname "Acevedo"; `curl -u koha:koha --request GET "" --data-raw '{ "surname": "Acevedo", "firstname": "Henry" }'` The following request would return any patron whose lastname begins with "Ace"; `curl -u koha:koha --request GET "" --data-raw '{ "surname": { "-like": "Ace%" }'` The following request would return any patron whose lastname is "Acevedo" OR "Bernardo" `curl -u koha:koha --request GET "" --data-raw '{ "surname": [ "Acevedo", "Bernardo" ] }'` The following request embeds the related patron extended attributes data and filters on it. `curl -u koha:koha =--request GET '' --header 'x-koha-embed: extended_attributes' --data-raw '{ "extended_attributes.code": "internet", "extended_attributes.attribute": "1" }'` ## Special headers ### x-koha-embed This optional header allows the api consumer to request additional related data to be returned in the api response. It also allows for cross referencing in the queries as described above. It accepts a comma delimited list of relation names. Relations may on occasion also support dot delimited nesting to allow traversal. ### x-koha-library This optional header should be passed to give your api request a library context; If it is not included in the request, then the request context will default to using your api comsumer"s assigned home library.


GPL v3,

Contact information


Base URL


Two factor register

Generate a secret


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 201


Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Two factor register verification

Verify two-factor registration


Name In Type Required Description
secret32 formData string Yes the secret
pin_code formData string Yes the pin code

Response 204


Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.


Add advanced editor macros


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new macro



Response 201

Macro added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add authority

Add an authority record to Koha. An optional `x-authority-type` may be passed to specify the cataloguing framework to be used (instead of the default). The request body is expected to contain a MARC record in the format specified in the `Content-type` header you pass. Possible values for this header and the corresponding record formats expected are listed below: * application/marcxml+xml: MARCXML * application/marc-in-json: MARC-in-JSON * application/marc: Raw USMARC binary data


Name In Type Required Description
x-authority-type header string No Authority type code. Use when content type is not application/json
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header

Response 201

An authority

Response 400

Bad request.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 409

Conflict creating the resource. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `duplicate`

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add biblio

Add a bibliographic record to Koha. An optional `x-framework-id` may be passed to specify the cataloguing framework to be used (instead of the default). The request body is expected to contain a MARC record in the format specified in the `Content-type` header you pass. Possible values for this header and the corresponding record formats expected are listed below: * application/marcxml+xml: MARCXML * application/marc-in-json: MARC-in-JSON * application/marc: Raw USMARC binary data


Name In Type Required Description
x-framework-id header string No Framework id. Use when content type is not application/json
x-record-schema header string No March schema. One of MARC21 or UNIMARC
x-confirm-not-duplicate header integer No Confirm the posted element is not a duplicate

Response 200

A biblio

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add an item for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new item



Response 201

Item added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Not found

Response 409


Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add booking


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new booking



Response 201

Booking added

Response 400

Client error

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409


Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a new checkout


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new checkout
confirmation query string No A JWT confirmation token



Response 201

Created checkout

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Cannot create checkout

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating checkout

Response 412

Precondition failed

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a new checkout (public)


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new checkout
confirmation query string No A JWT confirmation token



Response 201

Created checkout

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Cannot create checkout

Response 404

Default response.

Response 405

Method not allowed. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `FEATURE_DISABLED`

Response 409

Conflict in creating checkout. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `ITEM_NOT_FOUND` * `PATRON_NOT_FOUND`

Response 412

Precondition failed

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add city


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new hold



Response 201

City added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a club hold


Name In Type Required Description
club_id path integer Yes Internal club identifier
body body object Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new hold


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"biblio_id":{"description":"Internal biblio identifier","type":["integer","null"]},"default_patron_home":{"description":"For each patron, set pickup location to patron's home library if possible","type":"integer"},"expiration_date":{"description":"Hold end date","format":"date","type":["string","null"]},"item_id":{"description":"Internal item identifier","type":["integer","null"]},"item_type":{"description":"Limit hold on one itemtype (ignored for item-level holds)","type":["string","null"]},"notes":{"description":"Notes related to this hold","type":["string","null"]},"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal library identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"}},"required":["pickup_library_id"],"type":"object"}

Response 201

Created club hold

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Club not found

Response 409

Hold not allowed

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add license


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new agreement's license



Response 201

A successfully created license

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add agreement


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new agreement



Response 201

A successfully created agreement

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add default_usage_report


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new default_usage_report



Response 201

A successfully created default_usage_report

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add package


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new package



Response 201

A successfully created package

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add eholding


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new title



Response 201

A successfully created title

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add usage_data_provider


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new usage_data_provider



Response 201

A successfully created usage_data_provider

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Place hold


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new hold
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"biblio_id":{"description":"Internal biblio identifier","type":["integer","null"]},"expiration_date":{"description":"Hold end date","format":"date","type":["string","null"]},"hold_date":{"description":"The date the hold was placed","format":"date","type":["string","null"]},"item_group_id":{"description":"Internal item group identifier","type":["integer","null"]},"item_id":{"description":"Internal item identifier","type":["integer","null"]},"item_type":{"description":"Limit hold on one itemtype (ignored for item-level holds)","type":["string","null"]},"non_priority":{"description":"Set this hold as non priority","type":["boolean","null"]},"notes":{"description":"Notes related to this hold","type":["string","null"]},"patron_id":{"description":"Internal patron identifier","type":"integer"},"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal library identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"}},"required":["patron_id","pickup_library_id"],"type":"object"}

Response 201

Created hold

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Borrower not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a new identity provider


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing OAuth provider parameters. The `config` object required attributes depends on the chosen `protocol` ## OAuth Requires: * key * secret * authorize_url * token_url ## OIDC Requires: * key * secret * well_known_url



Response 201

The generated identity provider

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add an identity provider domain


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
body body Yes An identity provider domain object



Response 201

Updated identity provider domain

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add ILL batch


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new batch
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 201

Batch added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron with given cardnumber not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add ILL batch status


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new batch status



Response 201

Batch status added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add ILL request


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new request



Response 201

Request added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add batch import profile


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes A JSON object containing a import batch profile


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"comments":{"description":"any comments added when the file was uploaded","type":["string","null"]},"encoding":{"description":"file encoding","type":["string","null"]},"format":{"description":"marc format","type":["string","null"]},"item_action":{"description":"what to do with item records","type":["string","null"]},"matcher_id":{"description":"the id of the match rule used (matchpoints.matcher_id)","type":["integer","null"]},"name":{"description":"name of this profile","type":"string"},"nomatch_action":{"description":"how to handle records where no match is found","type":["string","null"]},"overlay_action":{"description":"how to handle duplicate records","type":["string","null"]},"parse_items":{"description":"should items be parsed","type":["boolean","null"]},"record_type":{"description":"type of record in the batch","type":["string","null"]},"template_id":{"description":"the id of the marc modification template","type":["integer","null"]}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

Created Profile

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Borrower not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
body body object Yes A JSON object representing an item group


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"description":{"description":"ItemGroup description","type":"string"},"display_order":{"description":"Position in waiting queue","type":"integer"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

A successfully created item group

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add item to item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
item_group_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item group
body body object Yes A JSON object containing an item_id
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"item_id":{"description":"Internal identifier for an item to be linked","type":"integer"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

Item linked to item group

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Request conflicts

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add item to train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
body body Yes An item



Response 201

A successfully added item

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add items to train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
body body array Yes A list of items



Response 201

A successfully added list of items

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add items to waiting list


Name In Type Required Description
body body array Yes A list of itemnumbers or barcodes



Response 201

A successfully added list of items

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add library


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new library



Response 201

Library added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add order


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object representing an order



Response 201

Order added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating the resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add patron


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new patron
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header



Response 201

A successfully created patron

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add extended attribute for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body Yes A JSON representation of the patron extended attribute



Response 201

A successfully created patron extended attribute

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add credit to a patron's account


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing credit information



Response 201

Credit added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add debit to a patron's account


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing debit information



Response 201

Debit added

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add processing


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new processing



Response 201

A successfully created processing

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add train


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new train



Response 201

A successfully created train

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add quote


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new quote



Response 201

Quote added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add SMTP server


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object representing a new SMTP server configuration



Response 201

An SMTP server object

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add search filter


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new search filter



Response 201

Search filter added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating the resource

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a purchase suggestion

This resource accepts a new purchase suggestion and creates it


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new suggestion
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header



Response 201

Suggestion added

Response 400

Bad request. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `max_total_reached` * `max_pending_reached`

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add ticket


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new ticket



Response 201

Ticket added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add ticket


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new ticket



Response 201

Ticket added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add an update to the ticket


Name In Type Required Description
ticket_id path integer Yes Internal ticket identifier
body body Yes A ticket update object



Response 201

Ticket added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ticket not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add item to bundle


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new bundle link



Response 201

A successfully created bundle link

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a transfer limit

This resource accepts a new transfer limit and creates it if it does not already exist.


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about a new transfer limit



Response 201

Transfer limit added

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add vendor


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object representing a vendor



Response 201

Vendor added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Vendor not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add shared advanced editor macros


Name In Type Required Description
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new macro



Response 201

Macro added

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get renewability for a checkout


Name In Type Required Description
checkout_id path integer Yes Internal checkout identifier

Response 200

Checkout renewability information

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403


Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get checkout availability


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id query integer No Internal patron identifier
item_id query integer No Internal item identifier

Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get checkout availability


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id query integer No Internal patron identifier
item_id query integer No Internal item identifier

Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Batch add transfer limits

This resource batch creates new transfer limits based on the given data. Transfer limits can be defined based on `collection_code` or `item_type`. The endpoint only accepts one at a time, and which one is used will depend on the value of the `BranchTransferLimitsType` system preference. For example, if the paramters `to_library_id: 'BranchA'` and `item_type: 'BOOK'` are passed in new transfer limits for `BOOK`s will be created, with one transfer limit each for all the branches defined in Koha. Given 4 branches, 3 limits would be created: * to_library_id: 'BranchA', from_library_id: 'BranchB', item_type: 'BOOK' * to_library_id: 'BranchA', from_library_id: 'BranchC', item_type: 'BOOK' * to_library_id: 'BranchA', from_library_id: 'BranchD', item_type: 'BOOK' The body of the query would look like ``` { 'to_library_id': 'BranchA', 'item_type': 'BOOK' } ``` As another example, imagine we have an itemtype that is never supposed to be transferred to another library. If we call that itemtype `LOCAL_ONLY` we would need to just pass `item_type: 'LOCAL_ONLY'`, which would create transfer limits for all libraries, meaning those items would never be allowed to transfer to another library. The body of the query would look like ``` { 'item_type': 'LOCAL_ONLY' } ```


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes A JSON object containing information about new transfer limits.


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"collection_code":{"description":"Authorized value for the collection code associated with this limit","type":["string","null"]},"from_library_id":{"description":"Internal library id for which library the item is coming from","type":"string"},"item_type":{"description":"Itemtype defining the type for this limi","type":["string","null"]},"to_library_id":{"description":"Internal library id for which library the item is going to","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

A list of transfer limits

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Batch delete transfer limits

This endpoint works just like [the POST version](#op-post-transfer_limits-batch), except it deletes transfer in batch rather than creating them.


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes A JSON object containing information about new transfer limits.


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"collection_code":{"description":"Authorized value for the collection code associated with this limit","type":["string","null"]},"from_library_id":{"description":"Internal library id for which library the item is coming from","type":"string"},"item_type":{"description":"Itemtype defining the type for this limi","type":["string","null"]},"to_library_id":{"description":"Internal library id for which library the item is going to","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 204

Transfer limits deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Library not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List bundled items


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
external_id query string No Search on the item's barcode
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of item

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Cancel article requests


Name In Type Required Description
article_request_id path integer Yes Article request identifier
cancellation_reason query string No Article request cancellation reason
notes query string No Article request custom cancellation reason

Response 204

Article request canceled

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Cancel a patron's hold (public)


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier

Response 202

Hold cancellation request accepted

Response 204

Hold cancelled

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Add a return claim


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"charge_lost_fee":{"description":"Charge a lost fee if true and Koha is set to allow a choice. Ignored otherwise.","type":"boolean"},"created_by":{"description":"User id for the librarian submitting this claim","type":"string"},"item_id":{"description":"Internal item id to claim as returned","type":"integer"},"notes":{"description":"Notes about this return claim","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

Created claim

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 409

Conflict creating the resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Copy an item to an other train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
train_item_id path integer Yes train item internal identifier
body body object Yes The train_id of the new train


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"train_id":{"description":"Train id","type":"integer"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

A successfully copied item

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete identity provider


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier

Response 204

identity provider deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

City not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete identity provider


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
identity_provider_domain_id path integer Yes Identity provider domain internal identifier

Response 204

identity provider deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

City not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier

Response 204

Advanced editor macro deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Macro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete authority


Name In Type Required Description
authority_id path integer Yes Authority identifier

Response 204

Authority deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Authority not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete ILL batch


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batch_id path integer Yes Internal ILL batch identifier

Response 204

ILL batch deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete ILL batch status


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batchstatus_code path string Yes Internal ILL batch status identifier

Response 204

ILL batch status deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch status not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier

Response 204

Biblio deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 409

Unable to perform action on biblio

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete booking


Name In Type Required Description
booking_id path integer Yes Booking identifier

Response 204

Booking deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Booking not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete city


Name In Type Required Description
city_id path integer Yes City internal identifier

Response 204

City deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

City not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete counter_file


Name In Type Required Description
erm_counter_files_id path integer Yes ERM counter_files internal identifier

Response 204

counter_file deleted

Response 400

counter_file deletion failed

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Delete default_usage_report


Name In Type Required Description
erm_default_usage_report_id path integer Yes ERM default_usage_report internal identifier

Response 204

default_usage_report deleted

Response 400

default_usage_report deletion failed

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Delete usage_data_provider


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier

Response 204

usage_data_provider deleted

Response 400

usage_data_provider deletion failed

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Delete license


Name In Type Required Description
license_id path integer Yes License internal identifier

Response 204

license deleted

Response 400

license deletion failed

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Delete agreement


Name In Type Required Description
agreement_id path integer Yes Agreement internal identifier

Response 204

Agreement deleted

Response 400

Agreement deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete eHoldings package


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
package_id path string Yes Package internal identifier

Response 204

package deleted

Response 400

package deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete eHolding title


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
title_id path integer Yes Title internal identifier

Response 204

title deleted

Response 400

title deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Cancel hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header

Response 202

Hold request recorded

Response 204

Hold deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete batch import profile


Name In Type Required Description
import_batch_profile_id path integer Yes Internal profile identifier

Response 204

Profile deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete item


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier

Response 204

Deleted item

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Item not found

Response 409

Conflict. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * book_on_loan: The item is checked out * book_reserved: Waiting or in-transit hold for the item * last_item_for_hold: The item is the last one on a record on which a biblio-level hold is placed * linked_analytics: The item has linked analytic records * not_same_branch: The item is blocked by independent branches

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
item_group_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item group

Response 204

ItemGroup deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ItemGroup not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete item from item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
item_group_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item group
item_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item

Response 204

Item unlinked from item group

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Item not linked to item group

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete library


Name In Type Required Description
library_id path string Yes Internal library identifier

Response 204

Library deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Library not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete order


Name In Type Required Description
order_id path integer Yes Internal order identifier

Response 204

Order deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Order not found

Response 409


Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier

Response 204

Patron deleted

Response 400

Patron deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 409

Conflict. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `has_checkouts`: The patron has pending checkouts * `has_debt`: The patron has pending debts * `has_guarantees`: The patron has guarantees * `is_anonymous_patron`: The system-wide anonymous patron cannot be deleted * `is_protected`: Protected patrons cannot be deleted

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete extended attribute


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
extended_attribute_id path integer Yes Internal patron extended attribute identifier

Response 204

Extended patron attribute deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete processing


Name In Type Required Description
processing_id path integer Yes processing internal identifier

Response 204

processing deleted

Response 400

processing deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier

Response 204

Train deleted

Response 400

Train deletion failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in deleting resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete quote


Name In Type Required Description
quote_id path integer Yes Quote internal identifier

Response 204

Quote deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Quote not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete SMTP server


Name In Type Required Description
smtp_server_id path integer Yes SMTP server internal identifier

Response 204

SMTP server deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete search filter


Name In Type Required Description
search_filter_id path integer Yes Search filter internal identifier

Response 204

Searc filter deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Search filter not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete purchase suggestion

This resource deletes an existing purchase suggestion


Name In Type Required Description
suggestion_id path integer Yes Internal suggestion identifier

Response 204

Suggestion deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Suggestion not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete ticket


Name In Type Required Description
ticket_id path integer Yes Internal ticket identifier

Response 204

Ticket deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ticket not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete transfer limit

This resource deletes a transfer limit for the given limit id


Name In Type Required Description
limit_id path string Yes Internal transfer limit identifier

Response 204

Transfer limit deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Library not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete vendor


Name In Type Required Description
vendor_id path integer Yes Vendor id

Response 204

Vendor deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Vendor not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete claim


Name In Type Required Description
claim_id path integer Yes Unique identifier for the claim to be deleted

Response 204

Claim deleted

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Claim not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Delete shared advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier

Response 204

Advanced editor macro deleted

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Macro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Download Counter file


Name In Type Required Description
erm_counter_files_id path integer Yes Case insensitive search on erm_counter_files_id

Response 200

A counter file

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Download erm document


Name In Type Required Description
document_id path integer Yes Case insensitive search on document_id

Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Edit a package


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
body body object Yes A JSON object containing the fields to edit
package_id path string Yes Package internal identifier


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"is_selected":{"description":"Add or remove this package from remote holdings","type":"boolean"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

What has been modified
{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"is_selected":{"description":"Add or remove this package from remote holdings","type":"boolean"}},"type":"object"}

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Package not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Edit a resource


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
body body object Yes A JSON object containing the fields to edit
resource_id path string Yes Resource internal identifier


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"is_selected":{"description":"Add or remove this resource from remote holdings","type":"boolean"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

What has been modified
{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"is_selected":{"description":"Add or remove this resource from remote holdings","type":"boolean"}},"type":"object"}

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal library identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"},"priority":{"description":"Position in waiting queue","minimum":1,"type":"integer"},"suspended_until":{"description":"Date until which the hold has been suspended","format":"date-time","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Updated hold

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update batch import profile


Name In Type Required Description
import_batch_profile_id path integer Yes Internal profile identifier
body body object Yes A JSON object containing a import batch profile


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"comments":{"description":"any comments added when the file was uploaded","type":["string","null"]},"encoding":{"description":"file encoding","type":["string","null"]},"format":{"description":"marc format","type":["string","null"]},"item_action":{"description":"what to do with item records","type":["string","null"]},"matcher_id":{"description":"the id of the match rule used (matchpoints.matcher_id)","type":["integer","null"]},"name":{"description":"name of this profile","type":"string"},"nomatch_action":{"description":"how to handle records where no match is found","type":["string","null"]},"overlay_action":{"description":"how to handle duplicate records","type":["string","null"]},"parse_items":{"description":"should items be parsed","type":["boolean","null"]},"record_type":{"description":"type of record in the batch","type":["string","null"]},"template_id":{"description":"the id of the marc modification template","type":["integer","null"]}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Updated profile

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Borrower not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier

Response 200

A macro

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

AdvancedEditorMacro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get authority


Name In Type Required Description
authority_id path integer Yes Authority identifier

Response 200

An authority

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Authority not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier

Response 200

A biblio

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get bookings for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of the bookings attached to the record

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get items for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
bookable query boolean No Limit to items that are bookable



Response 200

A list of the items attached to the record

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


This resource is not documented.


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of the items attached to the record

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get valid pickup locations for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
patron_id query integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

Biblio pickup locations

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get biblio (public)


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier

Response 200

A biblio

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get booking


Name In Type Required Description
booking_id path integer Yes Booking identifier

Response 200

A booking

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Booking not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get cashup


Name In Type Required Description
cashup_id path integer Yes Cashup internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A cashup

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get checkout


Name In Type Required Description
checkout_id path integer Yes Internal checkout identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

Updated borrower's checkout

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get circulation rules kinds


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200

A map of rule kind information

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get city


Name In Type Required Description
city_id path integer Yes City internal identifier

Response 200

A city

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

City not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


get usage_data_provider


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


get usage metric_types report


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
data_type path string Yes ERM custom report data type
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


get usage monthly report


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
data_type path string Yes ERM custom report data type
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


get usage provider rollup report


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
data_type path string Yes ERM custom report data type
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


get usage yearly report


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
data_type path string Yes ERM custom report data type
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


get the ERM config

This resource returns a list of options needed for the ERM Vue app. EXPERIMENTAL - DO NOT RELY on this, it is subject to change!


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200

The ERM config

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


get license


Name In Type Required Description
license_id path integer Yes License internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200


Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

authentication required

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Get agreement


Name In Type Required Description
agreement_id path integer Yes Agreement internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An agreement

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get eHoldings package


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
package_id path string Yes Package internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A package

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get resources


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
resource_id path string Yes Resource internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An eHolding resource

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get titles


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
title_id path integer Yes Title internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An eHolding title

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get valid pickup locations for hold


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-override header array No Overrides list sent as a request header
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

Hold pickup location

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold pickup location list not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get identity provider


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An identity provider

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get identity provider domain


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
identity_provider_domain_id path integer Yes Identity provider domain internal identifier

Response 200

An identity provider

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get ILL backend


Name In Type Required Description
ill_backend_id path string Yes ILL backend id/name
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An ILL backends

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL backends not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get ILL batch


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batch_id path string Yes ILL batch id/name/contents
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

An ILL batch

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get ILL batch status


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batchstatus_code path string Yes ILL batch status

Response 200

An ILL batch status

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch status not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get item


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An item

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Item not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get existing bookings for an item


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

Item bookings

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Item not found

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get item from train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
train_item_id path integer Yes train item internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An item in train

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
item_group_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item_group
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An item group

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

ItemGroup not found

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get valid pickup locations for an item


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
patron_id query integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

Item pickup locations

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get a job


Name In Type Required Description
job_id path integer Yes Job internal identifier

Response 200

A job

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Job not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get library


Name In Type Required Description
library_id path string Yes Internal library identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A library

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Library not found

Response 500

Default response.

Response 501

Default response.


Get library (public)


Name In Type Required Description
library_id path string Yes Internal library identifier

Response 200

A library

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Library not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get order


Name In Type Required Description
order_id path integer Yes Internal order identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

An order

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Order not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A patron

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get account information for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier

Response 200

Patron's account balance

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List extended attributes for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

The patron extended attributes

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List checkouts for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

The patron checkouts

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List holds for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
old query boolean No By default, current holds are returned, when this is true then old holds are returned as result.
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

The patron holds

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List recalls for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

The patron's recalls

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get processing


Name In Type Required Description
processing_id path integer Yes processing internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A processing

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

A train

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


get the Preservation config

This resource returns a list of options needed for the Preservation Vue app. EXPERIMENTAL - DO NOT RELY on this, it is subject to change!


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200

The Preservation module config

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get quote


Name In Type Required Description
quote_id path integer Yes Quote internal identifier

Response 200

A Quote

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Quote not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List renewals for a checkout


Name In Type Required Description
checkout_id path integer Yes Internal checkout identifier
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header

Response 200

List of checkouts renewals

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get SMTP server


Name In Type Required Description
smtp_server_id path integer Yes SMTP server internal identifier

Response 200

An SMTP server object

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Object not found

Response 409

Conflict updating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get search filter


Name In Type Required Description
search_filter_id path integer Yes Search filter internal identifier

Response 200

A search filter

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

SearchFilter not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get purchase suggestion

This resource gives access to a specific purchase suggestion


Name In Type Required Description
suggestion_id path integer Yes Internal suggestion identifier

Response 200

A suggestion

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Suggestion not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get the details for a sushi service from the counter registry


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A sushi service

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get ticket


Name In Type Required Description
ticket_id path integer Yes Internal ticket identifier

Response 200

A ticket

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Ticket not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get vendor


Name In Type Required Description
vendor_id path integer Yes Vendor id

Response 200

A vendor

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Vendor not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get shared advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier

Response 200

A macro

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

AdvancedEditorMacro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Import local titles


Name In Type Required Description
body body object Yes The list_id of the list to import



Response 201

Successfully enqueued the import job

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List authorised value categories


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of authorised value categories

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List authorised values for a given category


Name In Type Required Description
authorised_value_category_name path string Yes category name
authorised_value_id query integer No Case insensitive search on authorised value id
category_name query string No Case insensitive search on authorised value category name
value query string No Case insensitive search on value
description query string No Case insensitive search on description
opac_description query string No Case insensitive search on opac description
image_url query string No Case insensitive search on image url
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of authorised values

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List authorities


Name In Type Required Description
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of authorities

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Authority not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List possibe managers for baskets

This resource returns a list of patron allowed to be a manager for baskets


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of orders' managers

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List biblios


Name In Type Required Description
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of biblios

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List checkouts for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
checked_in query boolean No By default, current checkouts are returned, when this is true then checked in checkouts are returned as result.



Response 200

A list of checkouts

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List bookings


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id query string No Case insensative search on booking biblio_id
item_id query string No Case insensative search on booking item_id
patron_id query string No Case insensative search on booking patron_id
start_date query string No Case Insensative search on booking start_date
end_date query string No Case Insensative search on booking end_date
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of bookings

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List cashups for the cash register


Name In Type Required Description
cash_register_id path integer Yes Cash register internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

Cashups performed on this register

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Register not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List checkouts


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id query integer No Internal patron identifier
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
checked_in query boolean No By default, current checkouts are returned, when this is true then checked in checkouts are returned as result.
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of checkouts

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List cities


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Case insensative search on city name
state query string No Case insensative search on city state
country query string No Case insensative search on city country
postal_code query string No Case Insensative search on city postal code
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of cities

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List platforms currently registered with the counter registry


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of counter registered platforms

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List possibe users for ERM

This resource returns a list of patron allowed to be users of the ERM module


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of ERM' users

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List agreements


Name In Type Required Description
agreement_id query integer No Case insensitive search on agreement agreement_id
vendor_id query integer No Case insensitive search on agreement vendor_id
name query string No Case insensitive search on agreement name
description query string No Case insensitive search on agreement description
status query string No Case insensitive search on agreement status
closure_reason query string No Case insensitive search on agreement closure_reason
is_perpetual query boolean No Case insensitive search on agreement is_perpetual
renewal_priority query string No Case insensitive search on agreement renewal_priority
license_info query string No Case insensitive search on agreement license_info
max_expiration_date query string No filter by expired agreements
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of agreement

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List counter_files


Name In Type Required Description
erm_counter_files_id query integer No Case insensitive search on counter_file erm_counter_files_id
usage_data_provider_id query integer No Case insensitive search on counter_file usage_data_provider_id
filename query string No Case insensitive search on counter_file filename
type query string No Case insensitive search on counter_file type
file_content query string No Case insensitive search on counter_file file_content
date_uploaded query string No Case insensitive search on counter_file date_uploaded
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of counter_files

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List counter_logs


Name In Type Required Description
usage_data_provider_id query integer No Case insensitive search on counter_log usage_data_provider_id
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of counter_logs

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List default_usage_reports


Name In Type Required Description
erm_default_usage_report_id query integer No Case insensitive search on erm_default_usage_report_id
report_name query integer No Case insensitive search on default_usage_report report_name
report_url_params query integer No Case insensitive search on default_usage_report report_url_params
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of default_usage_reports

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List packages


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
package_id query string No Case insensitive search on package package_id
vendor_id query integer No Case insensitive search on package vendor_id
name query string No Case insensitive search on package name
external_package_id query integer No Case insensitive search on package external_package_id
package_type query string No Case insensitive search on package type
content_type query string No Case insensitive search on package content_type
notes query string No Case insensitive search on package notes
created_on query string No Case insensitive search on package creation date
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of package

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List eholdings resources


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
resource_id query string No Case insensitive search on resource_id
started_on query string No Case insensitive search on started_on
ended_on query string No Case insensitive search on ended_on
proxy query string No Case insensitive search on proxy
package_id path string Yes Package internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of eHoldings resources

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List eholdings resources


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
resource_id query string No Case insensitive search on resource_id
package_id query string No Case insensitive search on package_id
vendor_id query integer No Case insensitive search on title vendor_id
started_on query string No Case insensitive search on started_on
ended_on query string No Case insensitive search on ended_on
proxy query string No Case insensitive search on proxy
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of eHoldings resources

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List eholdings titles


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
title_id query integer No Case insensitive search on title title_id
publication_title query string No Case insensitive search on title publication_title
external_id query string No Case insensitive search on title external_id
print_identifier query string No Case insensitive search on title print_identifier
online_identifier query string No Case insensitive search on title online_identifier
date_first_issue_online query string No Case insensitive search on title date_first_issue_online
num_first_vol_online query string No Case insensitive search on title num_first_vol_online
num_first_issue_online query string No Case insensitive search on title num_first_issue_online
date_last_issue_online query string No Case insensitive search on title date_last_issue_online
num_last_vol_online query string No Case insensitive search on title num_last_vol_online
num_last_issue_online query string No Case insensitive search on title num_last_issue_online
title_url query string No Case insensitive search on title title_url
first_author query string No Case insensitive search on title first_author
embargo_info query string No Case insensitive search on title embargo_info
coverage_depth query string No Case insensitive search on title coverage_depth
notes query string No Case insensitive search on title notes
publisher_name query string No Case insensitive search on title publisher_name
publication_type query string No Case insensitive search on title publication_type
date_monograph_published_print query string No Case insensitive search on title date_monograph_published_print
date_monograph_published_online query string No Case insensitive search on title date_monograph_published_online
monograph_volume query string No Case insensitive search on title monograph_volume
monograph_edition query string No Case insensitive search on title monograph_edition
first_editor query string No Case insensitive search on title first_editor
parent_publication_title_id query string No Case insensitive search on title parent_publication_title_id
preceding_publication_title_id query string No Case insensitive search on title preceding_publication_title_id
access_type query string No Case insensitive search on title access_type
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of eHoldings titles

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List eholdings resources


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
resource_id query string No Case insensitive search on resource_id
started_on query string No Case insensitive search on started_on
ended_on query string No Case insensitive search on ended_on
proxy query string No Case insensitive search on proxy
title_id path integer Yes Title internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of eHoldings resources

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List licenses for agreements


Name In Type Required Description
license_id query integer No Case insensitive search on license license_id
vendor_id query integer No Case insensitive search on agreement vendor_id
name query string No Case insensitive search on license name
type query string No Case insensitive search on license type
status query string No Case insensitive search on license status
started_on query string No Case insensitive search on license start date
ended_on query string No Case insensitive search on license end date
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of agreements' licenses

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List usage_data_providers


Name In Type Required Description
usage_data_provider_id query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider usage_data_provider_id
name query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider name
description query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider description
active query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider active
method query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider method
aggregator query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider aggregator
service_type query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider service_type
service_url query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider service_url
report_release query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider report_release
customer_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider customer_id
requestor_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider requestor_id
api_key query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider api_key
requestor_name query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider requestor_name
requestor_email query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider requestor_email
report_types query string No Case insensitive search on usage_data_provider report_types
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of usage_data_providers

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List usage_databases


Name In Type Required Description
database_id query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_database database_id
database query string No Case insensitive search on usage_database database
usage_data_provider_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_database usage_data_provider_id
platform query string No Case insensitive search on usage_database platform
publisher query string No Case insensitive search on usage_database publisher
publisher_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title publisher_id
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of usage_databases

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List usage_items


Name In Type Required Description
item_id query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_item item_id
item query string No Case insensitive search on usage_item item
usage_data_provider_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_item usage_data_provider_id
platform query string No Case insensitive search on usage_item platform
publisher query string No Case insensitive search on usage_item publisher
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of usage_items

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List usage_platforms


Name In Type Required Description
platform_id query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_platform platform_id
platform query string No Case insensitive search on usage_platform platform
usage_data_provider_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_platform usage_data_provider_id
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of usage_platforms

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List usage_titles


Name In Type Required Description
title_id query integer No Case insensitive search on usage_title title_id
title query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title title
usage_data_provider_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title usage_data_provider_id
title_doi query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title title_doi
print_issn query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title print_issn
online_issn query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title online_issn
title_uri query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title title_uri
publisher query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title publisher
publisher_id query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title publisher_id
yop query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title yop
isbn query string No Case insensitive search on usage_title isbn
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of usage_titles

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List search filters


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of search filters

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List funds


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Case insensitive search on fund name
fund_owner_id query integer No Display only the funds that belongs to the given patron ID
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of funds

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Fund not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List possibe owners for funds

This resource returns a list of patron allowed to be owner of funds


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of funds' owners

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List possibe users for funds

This resource returns a list of patron allowed to be owner of funds


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of funds' users

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List holds


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id query integer No Internal hold identifier
patron_id query integer No Internal patron identifier
hold_date query string No Hold
biblio_id query integer No Internal biblio identifier
item_group_id query integer No Internal item group identifier
pickup_library_id query string No Internal library identifier for the pickup library
cancellation_date query string No The date the hold was cancelled
notes query string No Notes related to this hold
priority query integer No Where in the queue the patron sits
status query string No Found status
timestamp query string No Time of latest update
item_id query integer No Internal item identifier
waiting_date query string No Date the item was marked as waiting for the patron
expiration_date query string No Date the hold expires
lowest_priority query boolean No Lowest priority
suspended query boolean No Suspended
suspended_until query string No Suspended until
non_priority query boolean No Non priority hold
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
old query boolean No By default, current holds are returned, when this is true then old holds are returned as result.
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of holds

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Borrower not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get identity provider configured domains


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

An identity provider

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List configured identity providers


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of identity providers

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List ILL backends


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200

A list of ILL backends

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL backends not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List ILL batches


Name In Type Required Description
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of ILL batches

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batches not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List ILL batch statuses


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200

A list of ILL batch statuses

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch statuses not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List ILL requests


Name In Type Required Description
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of ILL requests

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List batch import profiles


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Search on profile's name
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of import batch profiles

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List item_groups


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of item_groups

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List item types


Name In Type Required Description
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of item types

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List items


Name In Type Required Description
external_id query string No Search on the item's barcode
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of item

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List items from waiting list


Name In Type Required Description
external_id query string No Search on the item's barcode
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of item

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List items publically visible


Name In Type Required Description
external_id query string No Search on the item's barcode
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of item

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List jobs


Name In Type Required Description
only_current query boolean No Only include current jobs
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of jobs

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List libraries


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on name
address1 query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on address1
address2 query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on address2
address3 query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on address3
postal_code query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on postal code
city query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on city
state query string No Case insensitive 'starts-with' search on state
country query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on country
phone query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on phone number
fax query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on fax number
email query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on email address
reply_to_email query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on Reply-To email address
return_path_email query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on Return-Path email address
url query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on website URL
ip query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on IP address
notes query string No Case insensitive 'starts_with' search on notes
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of libraries

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List libraries


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of libraries

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List the library's cash registers


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of desks for the library

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List the library's desks


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of desks for the library

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List advanced editor macros


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Case insensative search on macro name
macro_text query string No Case insensative search on macro text
patron_id query string No Search on internal patron_id
shared query string No Search on shared macros
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of macros

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List orders


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id query integer No Identifier for a linked bibliographic record
basket_id query integer No Identifier for a linked acquisition basket
fund_id query integer No Identifier for the fund the order goes against
status query string No Current status for the order. Can be 'new', 'ordered', 'partial', 'complete' or 'cancelled'
only_active query boolean No If only active orders should be listed
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of orders

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Order not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List patron categories


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of patron categories

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List patron credits


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of credits

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List patron debits


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of debits

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List patrons


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id query string No Search on patron_id
cardnumber query string No Case insensitive search on cardnumber
surname query string No Case insensitive search on surname
firstname query string No Case insensitive search on firstname
title query string No Case insensitive search on title
other_name query string No Case insensitive search on othernames
initials query string No Case insensitive search on initials
street_number query string No Case insensitive search on streetnumber
street_type query string No Case insensitive search on streettype
address query string No Case insensitive search on address
address2 query string No Case insensitive search on address2
city query string No Case insensitive search on city
state query string No Case insensitive search on state
postal_code query string No Case insensitive search on zipcode
country query string No Case insensitive search on country
email query string No Case insensitive search on email
phone query string No Case insensitive search on phone
mobile query string No Case insensitive search on mobile
fax query string No Case insensitive search on fax
secondary_email query string No Case insensitive search on secondary_email
secondary_phone query string No Case insensitive search on secondary_phone
altaddress_street_number query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_street_number
altaddress_street_type query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_street_type
altaddress_address query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_address
altaddress_address2 query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_address2
altaddress_city query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_city
altaddress_state query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_state
altaddress_postal_code query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_postal_code
altaddress_country query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_country
altaddress_email query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_email
altaddress_phone query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_phone
date_of_birth query string No Case insensitive search on date_of_birth
library_id query string No Case insensitive search on library_id
category_id query string No Case insensitive search on category_id
date_enrolled query string No Case insensitive search on date_enrolled
expiry_date query string No Case insensitive search on expiry_date
incorrect_address query boolean No Search on incorrect_address
patron_card_lost query boolean No Search on patron_card_lost
restricted query boolean No Filter search by restricted
staff_notes query string No Case insensitive search on staff_notes
relationship_type query string No Case insensitive search on relationship_type
gender query string No Case insensitive search on gender
userid query string No Case insensitive search on userid
opac_notes query string No Case insensitive search on opac_notes
altaddress_notes query string No Case insensitive search on altaddress_notes
statistics_1 query string No Case insensitive search on statistics_1
statistics_2 query string No Case insensitive search on statistics_2
autorenew_checkouts query boolean No Search on autorenew_checkouts
altcontact_firstname query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_firstname
altcontact_surname query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_surname
altcontact_address query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_address
altcontact_address2 query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_address2
altcontact_city query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_city
altcontact_state query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_state
altcontact_postal_code query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_postal_code
altcontact_country query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_country
altcontact_phone query string No Case insensitive search on altcontact_phone
sms_number query string No Case insensitive search on sms_number
sms_provider_id query string No Case insensitive search on sms_provider_id
privacy query string No Search on privacy
privacy_guarantor_checkouts query string No Search on privacy_guarantor_checkouts
check_previous_checkout query string No Case insensitive search on check_previous_checkout
updated_on query string No Search on updated_on
last_seen query string No Case insensitive search on last_seen
lang query string No Case insensitive search on lang
login_attempts query string No Search on login_attempts
protected query boolean No Search on protected status
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of patrons

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List processings


Name In Type Required Description
processing_id query integer No Case insensitive search on processing id
name query string No Case insensitive search on processing name
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of processings

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List trains


Name In Type Required Description
train_id query integer No Case insensitive search on train id
name query string No Case insensitive search on train name
description query string No Case insensitive search on train description
not_for_loan query string No Case insensitive search on not for loan value
created_on query string No Case insensitive search on train creation date
closed_on query string No Case insensitive search on train closing date
sent_on query string No Case insensitive search on train sent date
received_on query string No Case insensitive search on train receiving date
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body



Response 200

A list of trains

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List quotes


Name In Type Required Description
quote_id query string No Case insensitive search on quote id
source query string No Case insensitive search on source
text query string No Case insensitive search on text
displayed_on query string No Case Insensative search on last displayed date
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of quotes

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List SMTP servers


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of SMTP servers

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List purchase suggestions

This resource returns a list of purchase suggestions


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of suggestions

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List possibe managers for suggestions

This resource returns a list of patron allowed to be a manager for suggestions


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of suggestions' managers

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List ticket updates


Name In Type Required Description
ticket_id path integer Yes Internal ticket identifier
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of ticket updates

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ticket not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List tickets


Name In Type Required Description
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of tickets

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List transfer limits

This resource returns a list of existing transfer limits.


Name In Type Required Description
to_library_id query string No Search on to_library_id
from_library_id query string No Search on from_library_id
item_type query string No Search on item_type
collection_code query string No Search on collection_code
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of transfer limits

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List vendor issues


Name In Type Required Description
vendor_id path integer Yes Vendor id
issue_id query integer No Case insensitive search on issue's id
vendor_id query integer No Case insensitive search on vendor's id
type query string No Case insensitive search on issue type
started_on query string No Case insensitive search on issue start date
ended_on query string No Case insensitive search on issue end date
notes query string No Case insensitive search on issue's notes
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header



Response 200

A list of issues

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


List vendors


Name In Type Required Description
name query string No Case insensitive search on vendor name
accountnumber query string No Case insensitive search on vendor's account number
_match query string No Matching criteria
_order_by query array No Sorting criteria
_page query integer No Page number, for paginated object listing
_per_page query integer No Page size, for paginated object listing
q query array No Query filter sent as a request parameter
query body object No Query filter sent through request"s body
x-koha-request-id header integer No Request id header
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A list of vendors

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Vendor not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Login to OAuth provider


Name In Type Required Description
provider_code path string Yes Code for OAuth provider
interface path string Yes Name of the interface this login is for
code query string No Code returned from OAuth server for Authorization Code grant
state query string No An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. This is the callback part.
scope query string No Scope returned by OAuth server
prompt query string No Prompt returned by OAuth server
authuser query string No Auth user returned by OAuth server
error query string No OAuth error code
error_description query string No OAuth error description
error_uri query string No Web page with user friendly description of the error
session_state query string No Session state returned by OAuth server

Response 302

User authorized

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Login to OAuth provider


Name In Type Required Description
provider_code path string Yes Code for OAuth provider
interface path string Yes Name of the interface this login is for
code query string No Code returned from OAuth server for Authorization Code grant
state query string No An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. This is the callback part.
scope query string No Scope returned by OAuth server
prompt query string No Prompt returned by OAuth server
authuser query string No Auth user returned by OAuth server
error query string No OAuth error code
error_description query string No OAuth error description
error_uri query string No Web page with user friendly description of the error
session_state query string No Session state returned by OAuth server

Response 302

User authorized

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Merge Biblios


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Bilblionumber
body body Yes JSON Object with params and an optional marc record in MARC-in-JSON format



Response 200

The merge result as a biblio record

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update stage


Name In Type Required Description
rota_id path integer Yes A rotas ID
stage_id path integer Yes A stages ID
position body integer Yes A stages position in the rota



Response 200


Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Position not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update hold

This route is being deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Please migrate your project to use PATCH /holds/{hold_id} instead.


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal library identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"},"priority":{"description":"Position in waiting queue","minimum":1,"type":"integer"},"suspended_until":{"description":"Date until which the hold has been suspended","format":"date-time","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Updated hold

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Overwrite extended attributes for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body array Yes A JSON representation of the patron extended attribute



Response 200

The successfully created patron extended attributes

Response 400

Bad parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Process COUNTER file upload for this data provider's harvester


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the new counter_file



Response 200

Successful COUNTER file processing

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Process SUSHI COUNTER for this data provider's harvester


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier
body body object Yes A JSON object with the begin and end dates


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"begin_date":{"description":"begin date of the harvest","format":"date","type":"string"},"end_date":{"description":"end date of the harvest","format":"date","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Successful SUSHI COUNTER processing

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Cancel patron's article requests


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
article_request_id path integer Yes Article request identifier
cancellation_reason query string No Article request cancellation reason
notes query string No Article request custom cancellation reason

Response 204

Patron's article request canceled

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Remove item from bundle


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
bundled_item_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the bundled item

Response 204

Bundle link deleted

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 409

Conflict in creating resource

Response 500

Internal server error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Remove item from train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
train_item_id path integer Yes train item internal identifier

Response 204

Item removed

Response 400

Item removal failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Item not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Remove item from waiting list


Name In Type Required Description
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier

Response 204

Item removed

Response 400

Item removal failed

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Item not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Renew a checkout


Name In Type Required Description
checkout_id path integer Yes Internal checkout identifier
seen query integer No Item was seen flag

Response 201

Updated borrower's checkout

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Cannot renew checkout

Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Renew a checkout


Name In Type Required Description
checkout_id path integer Yes Internal checkout identifier
seen query integer No Item was seen flag

Response 201

Updated borrower's checkout

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Cannot renew checkout

Response 404

Checkout not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Resume hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier

Response 204

Hold resumed

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Send OTP token for second step authentication


This resource has no input parameters.

Response 200


Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.


set biblio rating (public)


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
body body object No A JSON object containing rating information


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"rating":{"description":"the rating","type":["integer","null"]}},"required":["rating"],"type":"object"}

Response 200

Rating set
{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"average":{"description":"average rating","type":"number"},"count":{"description":"number of ratings","type":"integer"},"rating":{"description":"user's rating","type":["number","null"]}},"type":"object"}

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set the chosen match for an import record ID


Name In Type Required Description
import_batch_id path integer Yes An import_batch ID
import_record_id path integer Yes An import_record ID
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"candidate_match_id":{"description":"Candidate match to choose","type":"integer"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Match updated

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Match management not allowed

Response 404

Import record match not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set if guarantors can see charges (public)


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body object Yes A boolean representing if guarantors should be able to see the patron's charges



Response 200

Charges view policy for guarantors changed

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set if guarantors can see checkouts


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body object Yes A boolean representing if guarantors should be able to see the patron's checkouts



Response 200

Check-out view policy for guarantors changed

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set password for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body object No A JSON object containing password information


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"password":{"description":"New password (plain text)","type":"string"},"password_2":{"description":"Repeated new password (plain text)","type":"string"}},"required":["password","password_2"],"type":"object"}

Response 200

Password changed

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set password expiration for a patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body object No A JSON object containing password expiration date


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"expiration_date":{"description":"Date to expire password","format":"date","type":"string"}},"required":["expiration_date"],"type":"object"}

Response 200

Password expiration changed

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Set password for a patron (public)


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body object No A JSON object containing password information


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"old_password":{"description":"Patron's original password","type":"string"},"password":{"description":"New password (plain text)","type":"string"},"password_repeated":{"description":"Repeated new password (plain text)","type":"string"}},"required":["password","password_repeated","old_password"],"type":"object"}

Response 200

Password changed

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Patron not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Suspend the hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
body body object No A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"end_date":{"description":"Date the hold suspension expires","format":"date","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 201

Hold suspended

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Hold not allowed

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Test this data provider's harvester


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier

Response 200

Successful connection test

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Get access token


Name In Type Required Description
grant_type formData string Yes grant type (client_credentials)
client_id formData string No client id
client_secret formData string No client secret

Response 200


Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Default response.

Response 501

Default response.


Unset the chosen match for an import record ID


Name In Type Required Description
import_batch_id path integer Yes An import_batch ID
import_record_id path integer Yes An import_record ID

Response 204

Matches unchosen

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Match management not allowed

Response 404

Import record matches not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier
body body Yes An advanced editor macro object



Response 200

An advanced editor macro

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Macro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update authority


Name In Type Required Description
authority_id path integer Yes Authority identifier
x-authority-type header string No Authority type code. Use when content type is not application/json

Response 200

An authority id

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Authority not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update biblio

Updates a bibliographic record to Koha. An optional `x-framework-id` may be passed, to specify the cataloguing framework to be used (instead of the default). The request body is expected to contain a MARC record in the format specified by the `Content-type` header passed. Possible values for this headers and the corresponding record formats expected are listed below: * application/marcxml+xml: MARCXML * application/marc-in-json: MARC-in-JSON * application/marc: Raw USMARC binary data


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
x-framework-id header string No Framework id. Use when content type is not application/json
x-record-schema header string No March schema. One of MARC21 or UNIMARC
x-confirm-not-duplicate header integer No Confirm the posted element is not a duplicate

Response 200

A biblio

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 406

Not acceptable
{"description":"Accepted content-types","items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"}

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update an item for a biblio


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path integer Yes Record internal identifier
item_id path integer Yes Internal item identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information about the item



Response 200

Item updated

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Not found

Response 409


Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update booking


Name In Type Required Description
booking_id path integer Yes Booking identifier
body body Yes A booking object



Response 200

A booking

Response 400

Client error

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Booking not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update city


Name In Type Required Description
city_id path integer Yes City internal identifier
body body Yes A city object



Response 200

A city

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

City not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update notes


Name In Type Required Description
claim_id path integer Yes Unique identifier for the claim whose notes are to be updated
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"notes":{"description":"Notes about this return claim","type":"string"},"updated_by":{"description":"Interal identifier for the librarian updating the claim notes","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Claim notes updated

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Claim not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Resolve claim


Name In Type Required Description
claim_id path integer Yes Unique identifier for the claim to be resolved
body body object Yes A JSON object containing fields to modify


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"new_lost_status":{"description":"New lost status to set to the item","type":"string"},"resolution":{"description":"The RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION code to be used to resolve the calim","type":"string"},"resolved_by":{"description":"User id for the librarian resolving the claim","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

Claim resolved

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Claim not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


update usage_data_provider


Name In Type Required Description
erm_usage_data_provider_id path integer Yes ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier
body body Yes a json object containing new information about existing usage_data_provider
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

a successfully updated usage_data_provider

Response 400

bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


update license


Name In Type Required Description
license_id path integer Yes License internal identifier
body body Yes a json object containing new information about existing license
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

a successfully updated license

Response 400

bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

access forbidden

Response 404

ressource not found

Response 409

conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

internal server error. possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

under maintenance


Update agreement


Name In Type Required Description
agreement_id path integer Yes Agreement internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing agreement
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A successfully updated agreement

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update eHoldings package


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
package_id path string Yes Package internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing package
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A successfully updated package

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update titles


Name In Type Required Description
provider path string Yes Provider name
title_id path integer Yes Title internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing title
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A successfully updated title

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update pickup location for the hold

Set a new pickup location for the hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
body body object Yes Pickup location


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

The new pickup location value for the hold
{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"pickup_library_id":{"description":"Internal identifier for the pickup library","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 400

Missing or wrong parameters

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Hold not found

Response 409

Unable to perform action on hold. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `hold_waiting` * `hold_in_transit` * `hold_in_processing`

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update priority for the hold


Name In Type Required Description
hold_id path integer Yes Internal hold identifier
body body integer Yes An integer representing the new priority to be set for the hold



Response 200

The new priority value for the hold

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Biblio not found

Response 409

Unable to perform action on biblio

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update an identity provider


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing OAuth provider parameters. The `config` object required attributes depends on the chosen `protocol` ## OAuth Requires: * key * secret * authorize_url * token_url ## OIDC Requires: * key * secret * well_known_url



Response 200

Updated identity provider

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update an identity provider domain


Name In Type Required Description
identity_provider_id path integer Yes Identity provider internal identifier
identity_provider_domain_id path integer Yes Identity provider domain internal identifier
body body Yes An identity provider domain object



Response 200

Updated identity provider domain

Response 400

Bad Request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update batch


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batch_id path integer Yes Internal ILL batch identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information on the batch



Response 200

An ILL batch

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update batch status


Name In Type Required Description
ill_batchstatus_code path string Yes Internal ILL batch status identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information on the batch status



Response 200

An ILL batch status

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ILL batch status not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update item from train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
train_item_id path integer Yes train item internal identifier
body body Yes An item
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header



Response 200

A successfully updated item

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update item group


Name In Type Required Description
biblio_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the parent bibliographic record
item_group_id path string Yes Internal identifier for the item group
body body object Yes A JSON object with the new values for the item group
x-koha-embed header array No Embed list sent as a request header


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"description":{"description":"ItemGroup description","type":"string"},"display_order":{"description":"Position in waiting queue","type":"integer"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

The updated item group

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

ItemGroup not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update library


Name In Type Required Description
library_id path string Yes Internal library identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing information on the library



Response 200

A library

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Library not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update order


Name In Type Required Description
order_id path integer Yes Internal order identifier
body body Yes A JSON object representing an order



Response 200

An order

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Order not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update patron


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing patron



Response 200

A successfully updated patron

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Resource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update extended attribute


Name In Type Required Description
patron_id path integer Yes Internal patron identifier
extended_attribute_id path integer Yes Internal patron extended attribute identifier
body body object Yes An object containing the updated values for the patron extended attribute


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"value":{"description":"Extended attribute value","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 200

A successfully updated patron extended attribute

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update processing


Name In Type Required Description
processing_id path integer Yes processing internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing processing



Response 200

A successfully updated processing

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update train


Name In Type Required Description
train_id path integer Yes train internal identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing new information about existing train



Response 200

A successfully updated train

Response 400

Bad parameter

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ressource not found

Response 409

Conflict in updating resource

Response 413

Payload too large

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update quote


Name In Type Required Description
quote_id path integer Yes Quote internal identifier
body body Yes a quote object



Response 200

A quote

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Quote not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update SMTP server


Name In Type Required Description
smtp_server_id path integer Yes SMTP server internal identifier
body body Yes An SMTP server object



Response 200

An SMTP server object

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Object not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update search filter


Name In Type Required Description
search_filter_id path integer Yes Search filter internal identifier
body body Yes A search filter object



Response 200

An search_filter

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Search filter not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update purchase suggestion

This resource allows updating an existing purchase suggestion


Name In Type Required Description
suggestion_id path integer Yes Internal suggestion identifier
body body Yes A JSON object containing informations about the new hold



Response 200

A suggestion

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Default response.

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Suggestion not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update ticket


Name In Type Required Description
ticket_id path integer Yes Internal ticket identifier
body body Yes A ticket object



Response 200

A ticket

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Ticket not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update vendor


Name In Type Required Description
vendor_id path integer Yes Vendor id
body body Yes A JSON object representing a vendor



Response 200

A vendor

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Vendor not found

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Update shared advanced editor macro


Name In Type Required Description
advancededitormacro_id path integer Yes Advanced editor macro internal identifier
body body Yes An advanced editor macro object



Response 200

An advanced editor macro

Response 400

Default response.

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Macro not found

Response 500

Internal error

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance


Check validity of username and password


Name In Type Required Description
body body object No A JSON object containing a patron identifier and password information. The identifier will be used to match patrons on the database using the following order: * userid * cardnumber Optionally, you can specify the `userid` attribute if you don't want it to be checked against the patron cardnumbers.


{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"identifier":{"description":"A patron identifier (`userid` or `cardnumber`)","type":"string"},"password":{"description":"Password (plain text)","type":"string"},"userid":{"description":"A patron userid","type":"string"}},"required":["password"],"type":"object"}

Response 201

Validation successful
{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"cardnumber":{"description":"cardnumber for the validated patron","type":"string"},"patron_id":{"description":"Internal patron identifier","type":"integer"},"userid":{"description":"userid for the validated patron","type":"string"}},"type":"object"}

Response 400

Bad request

Response 401

Authentication required

Response 403

Access forbidden

Response 404

Default response.

Response 500

Internal server error. Possible `error_code` attribute values: * `internal_server_error`

Response 501

Default response.

Response 503

Under maintenance



{"description":"Advanced editor macro internal identifier","in":"path","name":"advancededitormacro_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Agreement internal identifier","in":"path","name":"agreement_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Agreement period internal identifier","in":"path","name":"agreement_period_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Authorised value internal identifier","in":"path","name":"authorised_value_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Authority identifier","in":"path","name":"authority_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Authority type code. Use when content type is not application\/json","in":"header","name":"x-authority-type","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Record internal identifier","in":"path","name":"biblio_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Booking identifier","in":"path","name":"booking_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal import record match identifier","in":"path","name":"candidate_match_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Cash register internal identifier","in":"path","name":"cash_register_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Cashup internal identifier","in":"path","name":"cashup_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal checkout identifier","in":"path","name":"checkout_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"City internal identifier","in":"path","name":"city_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal club identifier","in":"path","name":"club_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Confirm the posted element is not a duplicate","in":"header","name":"x-confirm-not-duplicate","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM custom report data type","in":"path","name":"data_type","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Package internal identifier","in":"path","name":"package_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Resource internal identifier","in":"path","name":"resource_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Title internal identifier","in":"path","name":"title_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM counter_files internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_counter_files_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM counter_log internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_counter_log_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM default_usage_report internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_default_usage_report_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_usage_data_provider_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Framework id. Use when content type is not application\/json","in":"header","name":"x-framework-id","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Fund id","in":"path","name":"fund_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal hold identifier","in":"path","name":"hold_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Identity provider domain internal identifier","in":"path","name":"identity_provider_domain_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Identity provider internal identifier","in":"path","name":"identity_provider_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ILL batch identifier","in":"path","name":"ill_batch_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ILL batch status identifier","in":"path","name":"ill_batchstatus_code","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Internal profile identifier","in":"path","name":"import_batch_profile_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal import record identifier","in":"path","name":"import_record_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal item identifier","in":"path","name":"item_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal item identifier","in":"query","name":"item_id","type":"integer"}


{"description":"Job internal identifier","in":"path","name":"job_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal library identifier","in":"path","name":"library_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"License internal identifier","in":"path","name":"license_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"March schema. One of MARC21 or UNIMARC","enum":["MARC21","UNIMARC"],"in":"header","name":"x-record-schema","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Matching criteria","enum":["contains","exact","starts_with","ends_with"],"in":"query","name":"_match","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"collectionFormat":"csv","description":"Sorting criteria","in":"query","items":{"type":"string"},"name":"_order_by","required":false,"type":"array"}


{"description":"Internal order identifier","in":"path","name":"order_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Page number, for paginated object listing","in":"query","name":"_page","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal patron identifier","in":"path","name":"patron_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal patron identifier","in":"query","name":"patron_id","type":"integer"}


{"description":"Page size, for paginated object listing","in":"query","name":"_per_page","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"processing internal identifier","in":"path","name":"processing_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"train internal identifier","in":"path","name":"train_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"train item internal identifier","in":"path","name":"train_item_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Query filter sent through request\"s body","in":"body","name":"query","required":false,"schema":{"type":"object"}}


{"collectionFormat":"multi","description":"Query filter sent as a request parameter","in":"query","items":{"type":"string"},"name":"q","required":false,"type":"array"}


{"description":"Quote internal identifier","in":"path","name":"quote_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Request id header","in":"header","name":"x-koha-request-id","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Search filter internal identifier","in":"path","name":"search_filter_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Item was seen flag","in":"query","name":"seen","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"SMTP server internal identifier","in":"path","name":"smtp_server_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal suggestion identifier","in":"path","name":"suggestion_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Advanced editor macro internal identifier","in":"path","name":"advancededitormacro_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Agreement internal identifier","in":"path","name":"agreement_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Authority identifier","in":"path","name":"authority_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Authority type code. Use when content type is not application\/json","in":"header","name":"x-authority-type","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Record internal identifier","in":"path","name":"biblio_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Booking identifier","in":"path","name":"booking_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Cash register internal identifier","in":"path","name":"cash_register_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Cashup internal identifier","in":"path","name":"cashup_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal checkout identifier","in":"path","name":"checkout_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"City internal identifier","in":"path","name":"city_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal club identifier","in":"path","name":"club_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Confirm the posted element is not a duplicate","in":"header","name":"x-confirm-not-duplicate","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM custom report data type","in":"path","name":"data_type","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Package internal identifier","in":"path","name":"package_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Resource internal identifier","in":"path","name":"resource_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Title internal identifier","in":"path","name":"title_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM counter_files internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_counter_files_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM default_usage_report internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_default_usage_report_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"ERM usage_data_provider internal identifier","in":"path","name":"erm_usage_data_provider_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Framework id. Use when content type is not application\/json","in":"header","name":"x-framework-id","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Internal hold identifier","in":"path","name":"hold_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Identity provider domain internal identifier","in":"path","name":"identity_provider_domain_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Identity provider internal identifier","in":"path","name":"identity_provider_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ILL batch identifier","in":"path","name":"ill_batch_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ILL batch status identifier","in":"path","name":"ill_batchstatus_code","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Internal profile identifier","in":"path","name":"import_batch_profile_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal item identifier","in":"path","name":"item_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal item identifier","in":"query","name":"item_id","type":"integer"}


{"description":"Job internal identifier","in":"path","name":"job_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal library identifier","in":"path","name":"library_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"License internal identifier","in":"path","name":"license_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"March schema. One of MARC21 or UNIMARC","enum":["MARC21","UNIMARC"],"in":"header","name":"x-record-schema","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Matching criteria","enum":["contains","exact","starts_with","ends_with"],"in":"query","name":"_match","required":false,"type":"string"}


{"collectionFormat":"csv","description":"Sorting criteria","in":"query","items":{"type":"string"},"name":"_order_by","required":false,"type":"array"}


{"description":"Internal order identifier","in":"path","name":"order_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Page number, for paginated object listing","in":"query","name":"_page","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal patron identifier","in":"path","name":"patron_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal patron identifier","in":"query","name":"patron_id","type":"integer"}


{"description":"Page size, for paginated object listing","in":"query","name":"_per_page","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"processing internal identifier","in":"path","name":"processing_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"train internal identifier","in":"path","name":"train_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"train item internal identifier","in":"path","name":"train_item_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"accepts":[],"description":"Query filter sent through request\"s body","in":"body","name":"query","required":false,"schema":{"type":"object"},"type":"object"}


{"collectionFormat":"multi","description":"Query filter sent as a request parameter","in":"query","items":{"type":"string"},"name":"q","required":false,"type":"array"}


{"description":"Quote internal identifier","in":"path","name":"quote_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Request id header","in":"header","name":"x-koha-request-id","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Search filter internal identifier","in":"path","name":"search_filter_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Item was seen flag","in":"query","name":"seen","required":false,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"SMTP server internal identifier","in":"path","name":"smtp_server_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal suggestion identifier","in":"path","name":"suggestion_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ticket identifier","in":"path","name":"ticket_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal transfer limit identifier","in":"path","name":"limit_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Vendor id","in":"path","name":"vendor_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal ticket identifier","in":"path","name":"ticket_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}


{"description":"Internal transfer limit identifier","in":"path","name":"limit_id","required":true,"type":"string"}


{"description":"Vendor id","in":"path","name":"vendor_id","required":true,"type":"integer"}





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{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"biblio_id_to_merge":{"description":"Biblionumber from which to merge","type":"integer"},"datarecord":{"description":"Bibliographic record used as result of the merge. It uses the format MARC-in-JSON","type":["object","null"]},"framework_to_use":{"description":"Framework code, you can use it only with a value in datarecord field. With null value it uses the framework code of record to be merged into.","type":["string","null"]},"rules":{"description":"Internally identifier of a merge algoritm. Now two identifier are supported, 'override' and 'override_ext'. 'override' is to use when you the bibliographic data of biblio_id as resulting bibliographic data. The null value is equivalent of 'override'. 'override_ext' is to use only with a value in datarecord field. In fact is mandatory to use if you insert a record inside datarecord field.","type":["string","null"]}},"required":["biblio_id_to_merge"],"type":"object"}




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{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"account_lines_ids":{"description":"List of account line ids the credit goes against (optional)","items":{"type":"integer"},"type":"array"},"amount":{"description":"Credit amount","minimum":0,"type":"number"},"credit_type":{"description":"Type of credit ('CREDIT', 'FORGIVEN', 'LOST_FOUND', 'PAYMENT', 'WRITEOFF', 'PROCESSING_FOUND' )","type":"string"},"date":{"description":"Date the credit was recorded (optional)","format":"date","type":"string"},"description":{"description":"Description","type":"string"},"library_id":{"description":"Internal identifier for the library in which the transaction took place","type":["string","null"]},"note":{"description":"Internal note","type":"string"},"payment_type":{"description":"Payment type (only applies when credit_type=payment)","type":"string"}},"required":["amount"],"type":"object"}




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{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"block_expired_patron_opac_actions":{"description":"Whether or not a patron of this category can renew books or place holds once their card has expired. 0 means they can, 1 means they cannot, -1 means use syspref BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions","type":"number"},"can_be_guarantee":{"description":"If patrons of this category can be guarantees","type":"boolean"},"can_place_ill_in_opac":{"description":"Can this patron category place interlibrary loan requests","type":"boolean"},"category_type":{"description":"Type of Koha patron (Adult, Child, Professional, Organizational, Statistical, Staff)","type":"string"},"change_password":{"description":"If patrons of this category can change their passwords in the OPAC","type":["boolean","null"]},"check_prev_checkout":{"description":"Produce a warning for this patron category if this item has previously been checked out to this patron if ''yes'', not if ''no'', defer to syspref setting if ''inherit''.'","type":"string"},"default_privacy":{"description":"Default privacy setting for this patron category","enum":["default","never","forever"],"type":"string"},"enrolment_fee":{"description":"Enrollment fee for the patron","type":["number","null"]},"enrolment_period":{"description":"Number of months the patron is enrolled for","type":["number","null"]},"enrolment_period_date":{"description":"Date the patron is enrolled until","format":"date","type":["string","null"]},"exclude_from_local_holds_priority":{"description":"Exclude patrons of this category from local holds priority","type":["boolean","null"]},"hide_lost_items":{"description":"Are lost items shown to this category (1 for yes, 0 for no)","type":"boolean"},"lower_age_limit":{"description":"The minimum age required for the patron category","type":["number","null"]},"min_password_length":{"description":"Set minimum password length for patrons in this category","type":["number","null"]},"name":{"description":"Name of the patron category","type":["string","null"]},"overdue_notice_required":{"description":"Are overdue notices sent to this patron category (1 for yes, 0 for no)","type":["boolean","null"]},"password_expiry_days":{"description":"Number of days after which the patron must reset their password","type":["number","null"]},"patron_category_id":{"description":"Internal patron category identifier","type":"string"},"require_strong_password":{"description":"Set required password strength for patrons in this category","type":["boolean","null"]},"reserve_fee":{"description":"Cost to place holds","type":["number","null"]},"reset_password":{"description":"If patrons of this category can do the password reset flow","type":["boolean","null"]},"upper_age_limit":{"description":"Age limit for the patron","type":["number","null"]}},"required":["patron_category_id"],"type":"object"}




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{"additionalProperties":false,"properties":{"permissions":{"description":"List of permissions of the logged in user used for the Preservation module","type":"object"},"settings":{"description":"List of sysprefs used for the Preservation module","type":"object"}},"type":"object"}




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